When we think of relationships, our relationships of varying depth and frequency come to mind. Our relationships with our friends, family, loved ones, coworkers, baristas, and even our pets. Each of which is continuously a work in progress. We make adjustments, negotiations, and changes until we feel they’re in a good place. But we revisit them often—always in conversation, always making more changes.
RIP: Relationships In Progress presents a collection of works by 14 artists from around the world featuring works in collage, painting, and more. Across disparate mediums, each artist explores the ever-changing nature of relationships. Each decision is made with consideration of the relationship between brush and paint, between color choices, between scraps of paper that become a carefully-made collage. These decisions are seldom seen, but the resulting relationships built are evident in the power of each artists’ work.
Featuring works by: Andre Razo, Andy Jenkins, Annemaria Buckley, Chloe White, Darren Higgins, Dave Aron, Glen Seelenbrandt, Kate Sullivan, Lucas Beaufort, Olivia Schneider, Sara Buzurovic, Scott Clum, Seth Neary, Mayellen Matson. This show is curated with Seth Neary.